AFC North Preview for the 2015-2016 Season

Baltimore Ravens 
Predicted Record: 10-6
Division Record: 4-2 
     i. Cincinnati Bengals: 2-0
     ii. Cleveland Browns: 1-1  
     iii. Pittsburgh Steelers: 1-1

A lot of people are high on the Ravens but I still have questions about their offense. Joe Flacco is working on shaking off that "inconsistent" label he's earned from prior years, but he's still a little away from completely ridding that. I also have severe doubts in Justin Forsett. He's already 30,
 lacks size, and last year was his only successful season he's had in his entire career. The defense, on the other hand, is still daunting. Their secondary was banged up a season ago but will be at full strength Now. Most notable of those injured is Ladarius Webb, who can easily be a top 10 cornerback if he's fully healthy. 
Personally, I haven't bought into the Justin Forsett hype for the reasons mentioned above. Late bloomers in the NFL don't tend to sustain success. 
Cincinnati Bengals 
Predicted Record: 9-7
Division Record: 2-4
     i. Baltimore Ravens: 0-2
     ii. Cleveland Browns: 1-1
     iii. Pittsburgh Steelers: 1-1

The Bengals pull off wins behind a gritty defense, two runningbacks that compliment each other well, and a top tier wide receiver who is force fed the ball numerous times a game. The formula works well for them but I don't view Andy Dalton as a quality quarterback. They also don't play their best football against teams that are within their division. If Dalton does finally take that step forward though, this team suddenly becomes a superpower in the league. The Bengals have been the same team for the past few years, so they'll need to change something if they want to end their playoff struggles.   

A.J. Green is a phenomenal talent that helps Dalton out a lot. The quarterback needs to improve if the team wants to take win a playoff game though. 
Pittsburgh Steelers
Predicted Record: 8-8  
Division Record: 4-2
     i. Baltimore Ravens: 1-1 
     ii. Cincinnati Bengals: 1-1
     iii. Cleveland Browns: 2-0

If the Steelers go 0-2 in the time Le'Veon Bell faces his suspension, winning the division will be really tough. On top of that, Martavis Bryant's 4 game suspension will dampen their wide receiving corp; although that'll resume being overwhelmingly stacked when he does return to the field. Either way, losing those two will make it hard to win games. It doesn't help that their schedule is so difficult either. This team at full strength is formidable, but the fact that they have such a difficult schedule and significant players missing already, puts them at a severe disadvantage.   

Big Ben has incredible talent surrounding him when the team is at full strength. Antonio Brown will have to carry the load if the Steelers want to win the division and outperform this prediction-something he's very capable of doing. 
Cleveland Browns 
Predicted Record: 7-9
Division Record: 2-4
     i. Baltimore Ravens: 1-1
     ii. Cincinnati Bengals: 1-1
     iii. Pittsburgh Steelers: 0-2

Two things the Browns have working for them: a talented defense and one of the league's best offensive line. The defense had a couple of weaknesses last year: pressuring the quarterback and stopping the run. Essentially, the defensive line was a weak link. As a result, first round draft pick Danny Shelton is being asked to fix that hole immediately. 

Fun fact: The Cleveland Browns were the only team to be top 10 in pass defense and below 20th in sacks and run defense. That speaks volumes to how talented their secondary is.
The offensive line is going to have to carry the load if this team wants to succeed. Their play led to a strong running game last year (especially before C Alex Mack got injured), and that'll be the formula for success this year. A great running game can make even an average quarterback look good. Now, who that quarterback is mid-season is still a question.   
In my eyes, Joe Haden is easily the best cornerback in the league as he goes 1-on-1 against every #1 wide receiver. This is my favorite play from his career
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